Bustle is an online American women’s magazine founded in 2013 by Bryan Goldberg. They have a huge team of writers and contributors and cover various topics related to women. They cover beauty, fashion, entertainment, books and more. It’s also a very high traffic website that uses Node.js.
This is another story of a company moving from one technology to Node. It’s not quite surprising that that technology was Ruby on Rails, it seems like a lot of companies moved from Ruby and Java to Node, including Groupon, Uber, Pay Pal etc. It’s not that they’re bad languages, they’re just not appropriate for certain business at a given stage in their life.
Bustle uses Node as a full stack runtime, they don’t define their team on frontend and backend, which is a very attractive advantages of moving your tech stack to node, because keeping one universal language (JavaScript) makes everything easier.
They’re advocates and users of serverless arhitectura, running code on AWB Lambda, which provides them with the tools they need, without relying on a lot of frameworks or libraries. They use Ember on the front end and a bit of React.
AWS Lambda was a big deal for them and back in the day it was only compatible with Node and Java and the latter wasn’t very thrilling to use so they gradually tried out Node and loved it. Working with Node and Ember at the same time was also a pretty exciting opportunity. Bustle has 50 million users a month and all their properties are serverless and Node is proving them with the performance needed to maintain this kind of traffic.
We’ll call this another Node.js success story, but more importantly it’s another rather big and important brand that has transitioned successfully to Node and is enjoying quite a bit of success because of it.